Finished up a watercolour image of Lucy and the Demon Beast on Friday.
What could I use it for?
Starting with some pencils…
Paint in the main colours of the two characters…
A bit more tone and the base layer for the other colours…
Adding the eyes always brings a character to life…
A hint of a background bringing out the blue of Lucy, plus some colour pencil work…
Finally some black ink…
A clean up on Photoshop whiting out the surrounding paper…
And this demon beast is ready for its close up!
Why! It’s the cover of the third printed Lucy comic: Any Less the Freak, out in October…
Plus for those who don’t know, there’s a launch party in London on Friday October 3rd, for Lucy the Octopus: Any Less the Freak along with three other new Tempo Lush Publications, Tempo Lush Tales, Bang! Crash! Whizz! and Rosie and Jacinda: Demon Cloud.
Join many of the creators involved, ready to sign copies of comics and be friendly and charming at the wonderful Gosh Comics (1 Berwick Street, London W1F 0DR) October 3rd 2014, 7pm-9pm!
See the Facebook Event Page here!