The Lakes International Comic Festival 2015

I had a wonderful time visiting Kendal in the Lake District this past weekend for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival.
Lakes1You can see the Clock Tower on the left of the pic above where I had a table displaying all my Tempo Lush goodies, next to by talented bud, Mike Medaglia, whose new book One Year Wiser was selling by the bucket load!Lakes7Lakes6 It was fabulous to see the whole town getting involved, with banners everywhere and wonderful posters including Mike’s…
Lakes2A highlight for me was taking part in the Windows on Comic Art Trail where I created this comic to hang in the window of the Thuline Studio Gallery.  It features various sites and events around Kendal, and it was fun drawing small coloured pencil drawings knowing how big they would be blown up on the image…Lakes3 Lakes4  Thanks Lakes!  Hope to be back one day!