It’s been a 6 years since I first started producing my Tempo Lush Mini Comics Box Set available here on Etsy as well as MCM London Comic Con this weekend and Thought Bubble in November.
Here’s some nice words from Small Press News Room about the set back in the day!
Thing is, even though I wrote and drew the ten mini comics back in 2009, I’m still hand making the grizzly bears that they fit in. His name’s Square McBear for those who don’t know and he stars in the last comic in the set.
First I print off a batch of the A4 comics and fold them into squares…Having printed off the flat bear box parts, I add double sided sticky tape to parts of the body and head, then with a guillotine and scissors I cut out each body, head, ears, arms, feet and tail…
I fold the bodies and heads and glue on the ears…
Then, removing the peely bit from the double sided tape I stick the bodies in place and add a bit of glue to the arms…
Once the arms are stuck on I add some glue to the feet. You can see I’ve squidged it about a bit…
The feet and tails are glued on and I place the heads on top with the double-sided tape…
These grizzlies are ready for the comics to be placed inside…
Then each bear goes for a snooze in its own box, comfortably resting amongst packing peanuts…
All boxed up and ready to head to the cons, while the Tempo Lush CEO checks it’s all been done properly…
Finally, here’s an old video from when the boxes first appeared on the scene…