One Day Workshop at the Institute 10 May 2014

There were some fantastically skilled kids in my workshop at The Institute in North London on Saturday.  Warming up with a bit of quick character doodlingInstitute-Day-Workshop-01 Then designing characters hinting at their personality and backstory
Institute-Day-Workshop-03 Institute-Day-Workshop-04 They came up with some fantastic possible endings to a three panel strip...Institute-Day-Workshop-05 Institute-Day-Workshop-06Then came the point in the workshop where I asked them what they’d like me to draw peeping over the top of a box.  “A not very well drawn tiger-cub!” they all cried.  Nailed it.Institute-Day-Workshop-07I like to use my collaborator’s work as samples of comic making.  Here are some early Rosie and Jacinda designs by the great Zarina LiewInstitute-Day-Workshop-08The kids picked up ideas of character design, story crafting and thumbnailing really well…Institute-Day-Workshop-09 Institute-Day-Workshop-10 Institute-Day-Workshop-11 Institute-Day-Workshop-13And finished up the day making some fantastic comicsInstitute-Day-Workshop-12 Institute-Day-Workshop-14So happy when the kids really get into their work!