When you’ve worked closely with someone and consider them a good friend its easy to take for granted what an incredible talent they are. Such is the case with my Rosie and Jacinda collaborator, Manga artist and Fashion illustrator, Zarina Liew.
As part of the International Alternative Pres Fair this past weekend, Zarina ran a workshop on her techniques for using coloured inks. The fact that so many talented creators (plus me) were there to soak up some of her skills shows how respected her technique is.
Zarina began by demonstrating her arsenal of methods. It all got quite physical using blowing, splattering, washing and dabbing. A great antidote to the cleanliness of creating art on a computer (though Zarina is great at that too)!
Zarina definitely made it look easier than it is, but managed to show everyone some basic ideas that they could utilise in their own work.

Putting the techniques into practice. At Zarina’s wise suggestion I added a bit of highlight to this with Photoshop later.
And here’s what Zarina herself managed to come up with seemingly effortlessly and in just a few minutes. Having worked with her, I know she can produce great work really fast!
For more of Zarina’s work, check out her site: cobaltcafe.co.uk plus her webcomics Le Mime and the forthcoming The Higgs.