Gnash Comics Workshops in Devon

Had a great time yesterday traveling to the lovely town of Ashburton in Devon.

I find long train journies great to work on, and had time to finish a script Paul Shinn will be drawing for the upcoming Tempo Lush Tales, plus some work on a project for Titan Comics and then a blog about the making of Lucy the Octopus.  All coming soon!

Anyway, the real reason for the trip was to run a couple of comics workshops at Gnash Comics, an absolutely fantastic shop with a great set up and mix of goodies.

Pleased to say that Tempo Lush comics are now on sale there too!

The first workshop saw a wonderful bunch of local kids developing fabulous story ideas, like this…Gnash-1The second workshop saw the turn of the grown-ups!  Some of them pictured below – Maybe there are signs I worked them too hard.
Gnash-2We did some fun work on story development and thumb-nailing towards finished comic pages.  There was a lot of talent on show…Gnash-3 Gnash-4 Gnash-5One of the most satisfying parts of the trip was the fact that adult workshoppers made plans to meet regularly and talk comic making.  Hope big things grow from that!