Score & Script

Today (Friday 8 N0vember 2013) is the launch party of the print collection of John Miers’ amazing  Score & Script project, taking place at Gosh Comics (1 Berwick Street, London W1F 0DR).  Launching alongside two other fine comic anthologies, Comix Reader and The Strumpet.

You can see more details and pics from last year’s exhibition of the Score & Script at the Centre for Recent Drawing  by clicking here!

Over 30 artists including myself took part in the project, creating comic pages either based on an unusual script or a mysterious score, both originated by John.

Here are some panels from my attempt to interpret the score, working in ink line and watercolours.Score-script1It’s a beautiful collection.  Here’s my effort in it on the right, proudly sitting next to a page by the very talented Woodrow Phoenix.  Aside from the launch, John will be selling the collection at Thought Bubble in Leeds later this year and no doubt in some fine comic shops too.Score-script2