Hanging at my table at May MCM London 2014

I’ve done a half dozen or so MCM Comic Cons now and still enjoy them.

Always nice to see old friends, meet new folk and draw portraits, plus I’m still touched that anyone wants to buy my comics and prints!  The most gratifying thing is when people have already bought something at a previous show and liked it enough to come back and buy something else!

Here’s some pics, starting with with my table spread…
mcmmay14-01It was bigger than in previous years – no wonder some people come for 3 days…mcmmay14-02My lovely table buds Francesca Dare (check the feathers) and Van Nimmcmmay14-03 mcmmay14-04 mcmmay14-05 mcmmay14-06Van surprised me with a lovely sketch of Grace Park as Sharon from Battlestar Galacticamcmmay14-07My comic creator friend Karen Rubins treated me to these beautiful things…
mcmmay14-08Amazing how quick the weekend goes but I made the most of my table and found time to work on upcoming Lucy the Octopus strips…mcmmay14-09Speaking of Lucy I’ll leave you with some of the Lucy the Octopus style portraits I was commissioned to do over the weekend…mcmmay14-10 mcmmay14-11 mcmmay14-12 mcmmay14-13 mcmmay14-14This next one is my friend and soon to be collaborator, Manga artist Chie Kutsuwadamcmmay14-15 mcmmay14-16 mcmmay14-17 mcmmay14-18Looking forward to my next con…
London Film and Comic Con 2014
Earls Court 2, Old Brompton Road SW5 9TA
Friday 11 – Sunday 13 July 2014

Lucy the Octopus style pic for Jane Espenson

Stuck behind my table at MCM Comic Expo a couple of weeks back I was gutted I didn’t get the chance to meet Jane Espenson a wonderful writer who has lent her pen to a wide variety of wonderful shows (and comics) including many favourites of mine such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gilmore Girls, Angel, Firefly, Ellen, Battlestar Galactica and Dollhouse.
I’ve learnt lots about writing from listening to her interviews and discussions on various podcasts.

I managed to scrawl out a Lucy the Octopus style doodle of her and some of the characters she’s written.  Fortunately the very friendly podcaster Stephen Lacey was kind enough to pass it on to Jane when he made it to her signing table.

I’m looking forward to trying her new online sitcom Husbands!


Lucy style!  Admiral Adama and President Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica). Jane Espenson. Luke Danes, Lorelai Gilmore and Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls). Xander Harris, Buffy Sommers and Dark Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).