Talking Tempo Lush & Lucy at Laydeez Do Comics: Monday 10 September

Laydeez Do Comics is a fantastic monthly get-together where fans of comics and art (of any gender) listen to creators talk about their work and get to mingle, chat and eat cake.

I usually go there to check out the other speakers but in September I’ll be making the leap in front of the audience to show some images and talk about my work, focusing particularly on Lucy the Octopus but touching on mini-comics, Wallace & Gromit, Almost Naked Animals, music and ceramics. I might even have a few things on sale.

Monday 10 September 2012
6.30 – 9.30pm
The Rag Factory 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ
Entrance: £1.50 (including cake!)

I’m also looking forward to hearing the other speakers on the night…
Louise Crosby,
Louisa Parker, artist

Panel from Laydeez Do Comics June 2012 Blog

Panel from Laydeez Do Comics June 2012 Blog

You can get a taste of the evening in the blog I created for June’s Laydeez Do Comics.

X as Y

Here’s a drawing I did for the excellent X as Y blog – a genius idea from the mind of illustrator Haillie Bateman.  The purpose of the blog was for arty types to send in self-portraits of themselves as their opposite gender.

This was a challenge.  My brain throbbed as I contemplated the alternate gender version of myself.  Then I decided to just have fun with it…

Richelle – Myself as a lady!

Now the blog is going to keep going with regular changes to the dastardly challenges it sets for its contributors!  Will be interesting to see what develops…

Lucy the Octopus Tasty Taster Comic

Hot off the press (and after much hand-folding) I’ve got the first batch of my new Lucy the Octopus Tasty Taster Comic all ready for sale at upcoming comic shows.  Just in time for MKomix in Milton Keynes, this Thursday 19 July 2012, 6-9pm.  Hoping the print comic will get further folk to check out  

Lucy the Octopus Tasty Taster Comic

Lucy the Octopus Tasty Taster Comic

Lucy, ?uestlove and Nuno…

Okay – I’ll be frank.  I’m posting this old Lucy the Octopus comic strip, because one of my musical heroes ?uestlove, drummer for the Roots mentioned another of my musical heroes Nuno Bettencourt, guitarist for Extreme in a recent tweet and I remembered I’d done a strip where the two of them jam with Lucy!  So this post is basically made to tweet back to ?uestlove!

Lucy's Dream Team

Personal ?uestlove related story! 
5 years back, my pregnant wife and I were chatting over baby names.  She wanted an Arabic name (what with her being from Iraq and all), and we’d narrowed it down to about five.  I didn’t really feel a connection with most of them so it was going to be hard to call the fruit of my loins something that didn’t spark.  I was talking this through with a couple of friends before the show at a Roots gig (who are battling with Tori Amos over the act I’ve seen live the most – around 8 times a piece I reckon) at Somerset House and it clicked that my musical inspiration ?uestlove’s full name is Ahmir Khalib Thompson.  One of the names on our short list was Emir.  Different spelling but close enough for it to suddenly gel.  After the Roots rocked the house I went home and let my wife know we had a baby name we could both get behind!

Anyway, the strip was made as part of the program of the Oxford based 2009 Caption Comics Convention.  It’s a bit hard to look at three year old artwork when you hope you’ve improved but what the hell!

Lucy the Octopus in 16 pixels squared

I’ve been working on some updates for the Tempo Lush website, like the new blog header above.

One fun but incredibly tricky element of tweaking the site was making a new favicon.  For those who don’t know, and trust me – I didn’t until I really had to, a Favicon is the tiny icon that appears next to the web address in many internet browsers (certainly in Safari and Firefox).  The trick is to get an image into a 16 pixel squared space.  It’s kind of like the graphic design equivalent of writing your name on a grain of rice.

For my favicon I depicted my character Lucy the Octopus listening to some kick ass tunes on her favourite over sized headphones.  For those of you reading this on a browser that displays favicons you can see the 16 pixel version in the address bar now, but here’s a larger version to see Lucy in all her pixelated glory!

Lucy the Octopus Favicon

Dino-Saw-Us Passport Stickers

This year at the Web & Mini Comix Thing, the fabulous Lizz Lunney and the equally fabulous Timothy Winchester have organised a fun little something known as the Dino-Saw-Us Passport!

The first 180 Visitors to the show can pick up a special passport when they come to the show and many of the comic creators exhibiting will give away free stickers for the passports! Very cool! You can see a list of all the lovely artists taking part here, and a sneaky peaky of the Tempo Lush stickers below…