Took an afternoon off yesterday (with no work or child in tow) and went to the Tate Modern to soak up some inspiration. It’s been a couple of years since I’d walked those floors – I should do it more often coz it rocked monkeys!
I’d thought there was at least one Rothko at the Tate Modern but was disappointed to see there had just been a temporary exhibit a few years back. On looking it up when I got home I saw I’d missed the one Rothko painting there was there. I guess I hadn’t taken it in as it wasn’t one of his more famous oblong type paintings – shows I should have paid more attention at Art college.
Still there were lots more treasures to get excited about. Highlights included a Chirico painting (been a fan since one of my best buds turned me on to his work in an exhibition in Tokyo), seeing some David Shrigley work after recently missing his Haywood Gallery show and discovering the magical images of Marcel Dzarma.
- Giorgio de Chirico painting
- David Shrigley Drawing
- Marcel Dzarma picture
- Another Marcel Dzarma picture
- Books I bought in the Tate Modern shop
- Aoki by Annelore Parot
- In the Forest by Anouck Boisrobert & Louis Rigaud
- Piney Gir birthday card
Obviously I’m not super cultured as I found just as much inspiration in the gift shop (and coz I use phrases like “super cultured”). I came home with two wonderful picture books: the pop-up In the forest (Anouck Boisrobert & Louis Rigaud) and the beautifully flappy Aoki (Annelore Parot).
I had intended to do some sketching while I was there but felt self-conscious with the surprising number of visitors there on a weekday afternoon! At least I’d managed to get one drawing done earlier in the day when I made a birthday card for my talented friend and singer and songwriter and musician, Piney Gir. Meeting for lunch with Piney provided further inspiration hearing how hard she’s working juggling all sorts of creative projects!
All in all an good day finished off with Domino’s Pizza and the Incredible Hulk on TV! Ready for creative work again!