Portrait & Life Part 7: Charcoal

I hadn’t touched charcoal for years when I gave it a try in my portrait & life class.  I thought I wouldn’t be into the messiness of it, but after a while I started to enjoy how quickly you could fill a sheet of paper with light and tone.

The foreshortening on this first pic was tricky but it worked out okay.  if you start by drawing something mid-distance (in this case, the model’s left thigh) getting the other elements in proportion seems easier.

Charcoal, Life 70 mins 31.1.12

Charcoal, Life 70 mins 31.1.12

Charcoal, Life 10 mins 4.10.11

Charcoal, Life 10 mins 4.10.11

Charcoal, Life 15-mins, 4.10.11

Charcoal, Life 15-mins, 4.10.11

One more batch of life drawings coming soon!

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