Tempo Lush Tales of the Tanoox Tasters: Sarah Lightman & Nicola Streeten, Naz Bee & Angela Wraight and Emmeline Pui Ling Dobson

More snippets of wonderful pictures and words too from the recent Tempo Lush Tales of the Tanoox anthology on the theme of positive change.
Contributors also suggested a positive idea in keeping with the theme of the anthology…


Previous works include:
Sarah –
Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women
Nicola – Billy Me and You, Becoming of Age

Positive Idea:
Sarah – Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women

Snippet from the Tempo Lush Tales of the Tanoox Anthology Foreword discussing the positive effect of Laydeez Do Comics:
“In a sense, the monthly gatherings echoed the early 1970s feminist grassroots meetings, with the purpose of raising consciousness, sharing knowledge and information. Laydeez do Comics offers a taste of the good things – a supportive community, where contacts and introductions, new opportunities, colleagues, comrades, book contracts and new partnerships, even love await. And the homemade cake we serve reminds us of the comforts of home, of joyful occasions, celebrations in our lives.”


Previous works include:
Nas –
Paper Houses
Angela –
Circuit Breaker, Yoshitoki is Making Waves, Paper Houses

Positive Idea: Join a mentoring charity to support and guide troubled young people.

Art sample from their Tempo Lush tale: Give it a GoNas-and-Angela-Tanoox-SampleEMMELINE PUI LING DOBSON

Previous works include: Knights of Eve, Wu Wei

Positive Idea: “Effective Altruism” covers a range of projects aiming to help people have a bigger positive impact on the world with their time, money, and energy. A good place to start is givewell.org, which has regularly updated analytical information on which charities bring the greatest benefit
to the most underprivileged communities.

Art sample from her Tempo Lush tale: Malice/Aria

TLT-2-Cover-Double-Page-Spread-UpdateYou can get hold of the book online here, or at Gosh Comics.

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